Friday, January 04, 2008

Criminals With Badges

We're all guilty and the cops are out to prove it.

Manufacturing lawlessness

"Take heed, ye red-blooded American males. The police are operating a new sting designed to destroy your life.
The police are planting attractive women half naked in parks. They entice passing males, engage them in conversation, lay back, spread their legs and rest their feet on the men's shoulders.
After being as friendly and suggestive as possible, they ask to see your penis.
Don't show it to them. You are being filmed by police. If you show your penis, you will be arrested as a pervert.
Only American police, judges, and juries could think that responding to a seductress's invitation is proof of perversion. But, hey, you live in America where Christians believe that killing as many Muslims as possible for Israel is God's work. Don't expect a dumb Amerikan jury, or a self-righteous Republican judge, or a mindless law professor to understand entrapment.
No, this is not a joke. It is actually happening. Last May in Berliner Park in Columbus, Ohio, Robin Garrison, a 42-year-old firefighter was lured into arrest by a half naked woman under a tree.
In reporting the story, the idiot--possibly some male-hating feminist--who wrote the headline for ABC News describes the above: "Topless Woman Lured Perverts in Police Sting."
Get that, red-blooded American males. You are a pervert if you show your penis to a woman who is seducing you."

Lucky us! More fun! Here comes Operation Lucky Bag 2.0

And don't forget the international version Operation Bait Iraqi Civilians Into Becoming Video Game Grease Spots


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More absolute proof that the wrong people are taking over the US government. It'll be poetic justice to see this form of entrapment blow-back against the fascists.

Hmm... maybe they'll nab some wealthy player and start some kind of turf-war.

4/1/08 8:17 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

They need to create the enemy, don't they? Only it's gone so far over the top that it will come back to haunt them.

4/1/08 9:28 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

where are the civil liberties groups with this one?

so apparently, the woman can be topless and that's ok, but once mr. willy shows himself, that's a crime. what judge would NOT throw out something like this?

4/1/08 10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty loaded post here. there are links to 3 stories, though I guess it’s not surprising the “sexy” one is eliciting the commentary, initially at least.
but I have to say, there were some definite red-flags thrown up for me in the choice of wordage – beginning with the most obvious: “In reporting the story, the idiot – possibly some male-hating feminist – who wrote the headline for ABC News...” um – “possibly”?? that’s some accurate reporting there Paul, we all know where you’re coming from now. . . and “male-hating feminist” – yes, those descriptives are popular words to link together – particularly by self-avowed “red-blooded American males”. . . (by the way, google that last set of words, as I did, if you want to know who this species is).
so who is this guy? why, “Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.” the phrase “consider the source” springs to mind. . .

alright – you linked the three stories in the same post. one possible common thread is “red-blooded American males” who seem to be present in all stories, sometimes playing the role of “entrapER,” sometimes “entrapEE”. . . said sub-species expects to be able to fuck in public if “seduced” – irrespective of anyone else who may want to inhabit public parks, maybe families? with children? or women who don’t want to fuck but who happen to be in a fuckable place like outdoors? and the “red-blooded American male” snipers who entrap with suspect objects in order to murder “terrorists”. . . sorry, but it’s a similar mind-set operating here: inherent notions of privilege based on identity, white American maledom.
last angry gasps of a (hopefully) dying breed paul. . .

4/1/08 1:54 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Hmmm, interesting take, anon. What I thought intriguing was the commonality of entrapment inherent in all the stories, where the setup was to trick otherwise innocent wayfarers into exhibiting behaviors that fit pre conceived notions of criminality. The notion that we're all guilty until proven innocent unites these instances of deliberately creating confrontation.
The sentence "In reporting the story, the idiot--possibly some male-hating feminist--who wrote the headline for ABC News describes the above: "Topless Woman Lured Perverts in Police Sting." seems to fit in with the cheeky tenor of the rest of the article, where the key word Roberts was pointing out was "pervert". Typical of most sloppy and obsequious reporting, whoever wrote about that Columbus event phrased the entrapee in the most pejorative term possible, switching the onerous onus to him, which was Roberts' intent to point out.
That the phrase "red blooded males" is a red flag to you, IMHO, shouldn't diminish the unholy intent run amok to create criminality out of thin air.

4/1/08 4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon is missing the point completely. Looks like piglipstick is getting more popular attention from the wrong people. If ya can't see the entrapment in this one, you're either just out of sunday school or you're a deliberate rw-neocon.

Oh, I'm ascared! We're all gonna go to hell cuz boys and girls had sex in a public park (somewhere behind the trees, in the cover of some bushes).

Go kiss Bush's hypocritical religious-right ass, anon! Just be real careful not to be caught doing it in public!

5/1/08 4:55 AM  

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