Saturday, July 28, 2007

Study: Iraqis May Experience Sadness When Friends, Relatives Die

Finding astonishes americans

"CHAPEL HILL, NC—A field study released Monday by the University of North Carolina School of Public Health suggests that Iraqi citizens experience sadness and a sense of loss when relatives, spouses, and even friends perish, emotions that have until recently been identified almost exclusively with Westerners.

"We were struck by how an Iraqi reacts to the sight of the bloody or decapitated corpse of a family member in a not unlike an American, or at the very least a Canadian, would," said Dr. Jonathan Pryztal, chief author of the study. "In addition to the rage, bloodlust, and hatred we already know to dominate the Iraqi emotional spectrum, it appears that they may have some capacity, however limited, for sadness."


Blogger knainak said...

This is a joke right? An onion piece maybe?

28/7/07 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what i call excellent satire, hopefully the kind that opens up some dumbed-down eyes.

Nick Z.

28/7/07 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This line really says it all:

""We are, in truth, still a long way from determining if Iraqis are exhibiting actual, U.S.-grade sadness," Mayo Clinic neuropsychologist Norman Blum said. "At present, we see no reason for the popular press to report on Iraqi emotions as if they are real.""

Now that last part, I can believe, is not so far from the actual truth.

Nick Z.

28/7/07 8:47 AM  
Blogger patootie said...

The "popular press". Our sworn propaganda outlet enemy.
How strange that satire is so much closer to the truth.

28/7/07 11:10 AM  
Blogger LesleyinNM said...

I actually believed that was a real story until I checked the link.

28/7/07 3:39 PM  
Blogger Undeniable Liberal said...

I bit. I thought it was true....nothing surprises me anymore.

28/7/07 7:13 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

That's what makes The Onion effective - it has the patina of veracity,

29/7/07 8:07 AM  

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