Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Magically Resetting Poll Numbers

They seem to do it every couple of months or so, anybody else see this? The rotten MSM is basically forced to recognize gradual deterioration in administration approval ratings, but they falsify the numbers so that they don't seem catastrophic. I would assume at this point, with Repug defections very publicly coming fast and furious, that Sockpuppet approval percentage is hovering in the teens somewhere and the Dick is in single digits but that truth can never be revealed. Like everything else with this crew of pathological liars, reality takes a back seat to contrived public perception.

This CBS poll result published back on May 10 showing our Mass Murderer in Chief at 24% and dropping like a brick is just one of many that came out over the past year that showed real distaste for the scumbags. Yet voila, the numbers constantly get reset back into the thirties and start all over again. The rigged game is exposed because headlines blare new lows of 29% when polls just a few weeks or months before were a lot lower.

The corrupt media has done this over and over again because it's an effort to prop the criminals up just like they've done time and again during our descent into fascism. Hardly anyone cares for what's going on; but it actually does take a while for fluoridated braindead americans to figure things out, and the situation is worsened by thoroughly polluted media outlets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real war-party and its diehard supporters have always been just a small minority group. They fear-mongered and scared the others into supporting them after 9/11.

I believe the case could be made that the war-party minority is more responsible for this mess than anyone, thereby giving the majority the green-light to withdraw all support and place the blame where it belongs: the big lying neocons and their zionist backers.

But instead, we've got a bunch of turncoats taking over the senate, drumming up support for war with Iran. Why does it not seem so far-fetched to suspect that there are boby-snatchers in D.C.?

N. Z.

13/7/07 9:39 AM  

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