Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All Government Is Proving To Be The Enemy

Oakland Mayor Admits U.S. Cities Coordinated Crackdown On Occupy Movement

"Does this qualify as a conspiracy? Via Capitoilette, collusion between 18 city leaders regarding their efforts to break up the Occupy movement:

Embattled Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, speaking in an interview with the BBC, casually mentioned that she was on a conference call with leaders of 18 US cities shortly before a wave of raids broke up Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country. “I was recently on a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation. . . .”

Many witnesses to the wave of government crackdowns on numerous #occupy encampments have been wondering aloud if the rapid succession was more than a coincidence; Jean Quan’s casual remark seems to clearly imply that it was."

Menwhile, what CNN considers important news.


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