Saturday, September 03, 2011

Big Shake Up In The NWO Iron Fist

Encircling Russia, Threatening Iran: Azerbaijan to be admitted to NATO

Report: Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza

"The Turkish navy will significantly strengthen its presence in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as one of the steps the Turkish government has decided to take following the release of the UN Palmer report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla, Turkish officials told the Hurriyet Daily News.

"The eastern Mediterranean will no longer be a place where Israeli naval forces can freely exercise their bullying practices against civilian vessels," a Turkish official was quoted as saying.

As part of the plan, the Turkish navy will increase its patrols in the eastern Mediterranean and pursue "a more aggressive strategy".

According to the report, Turkish naval vessels will accompany civilian ships carrying aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Another goal of the plan is to ensure free navigation in the region between Cyprus and Israel. The region includes areas where Israel and Cyprus cooperate in drilling for oil and gas.

Additionally, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructed his foreign ministry to organize a trip for him to the Gaza Strip in the near future."

The first news item is of course a massive joke, in that an inconsequential backwater the size of Maine and with the population of North Carolina will join NATO. A big joke except that it borders Iran and empire will immediately begin building massive bases in preparation for more war.

That Turkey has even mentioned it will send naval forces to accompany future aid ships to the tortured people of Gaza signifies it's going to be on empire's shit list. Ziofascists must have their way, forever, and any challenge will eventually have severe ramifications. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Turkey is forced out of NATO. Not only has that country been stiffed, repeatedly, from joining European economic ties, it's a Muslim country after all, which according to our Israeli masters means it has to eventually be neutered.


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