Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tough Choice As To Who Gives Israel The Best Head

Israel takes center stage in Illinois election campaign

"In fight for Congress seat in Illinois – a struggle between two Jewish candidates – Israel has made its way to the top of the political agenda. The contest: Who does more to protect the Jewish interest?
Forget the financial crisis; in the Ninth Congressional District of Illinois, it is Israel that has taken center stage in the election campaign. A Jewish candidate has been trying to convince the mostly Jewish voters that his Jewish opponent has not done enough to protect the Jewish interest.
The Ninth Congressional District, which covers the suburbs of northern Chicago, is an area with a large Jewish population. Predictably, the two candidates are Jewish. The Democratic candidate is incumbent Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, 67, a moderate whose spot in Congress seems safe. Running against her is Republican Joel Pollak, 33, an Orthodox Jew with conservative views who has taken it upon himself to undermine his opponent by raising the Israel issue to the top of the campaign agenda.
Pollak tends to carry a map of the Middle East with him on the campaign trail, and to present it to the voters. Last week he visited the reform synagogue of B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim in Deerfield, Illinois, which hosted a debate between the two candidates. He spread the copy of the Google map in his possession and announced to the audience: "My focus tonight will be Israel."
"The Pollak-Schakowsky struggle is not the only political clash with Israel at the center of attention; in the adjacent 10th District in northern Chicago, Israel is an important issue in the race between Republican congressional candidate Robert Dold and his democratic opponent Dan Seals.
Israel also comes up often in the fight for the senate seat that was occupied by Obama before he was elected president; Republican Mark Kirk, who has an impressive record of supporting Israel, constantly pounds his democratic opponent Alexi Giannoulias by trying to present him as anti-Israel. Giannoulias, on his end, squirms and denies this charge."


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