Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sickening Medical Care Vultures

Terminal cancer patients routinely exploited by high-profit screening scams even as death approaches

"(NaturalNews) Want to know the disturbing truth about the greed-driven cancer industry? I've written about it using blunt language here on NaturalNews, and awareness is spreading. People are sick of pinkwashing nonsense, and they're wising up to the fundraising "run for the cure" scams that only funnel more money into corrupt, Pharma-dominated cancer non-profits.

Now a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association sheds new light on just how cruel and greedy the cancer industry really is. It turns out that even when cancer patients are terminal -- meaning they're expected to die soon -- the cancer industry herds them into yet more screening, mammograms, biopsies and lab tests in order to generate more profits from Medicare before the patient expires."

The "medical care" industry in this country is a poisonous lie and I know this from personal experience. I had to undergo three operations to fix abscessed fistulas because the first two were abysmal failures. I had to have two umbilical hernia operations because the first one was an abysmal failure. I had to pull IVs out of my veins and struggle into street clothes to get out of a hospital after a motorcycle wreck because I was dying and they were letting me die. I later found out I had gotten life threatening blood poisoning in that cesspool of a place and had to carry around an intravenous pump that continuously injected me for two weeks. Another time I went in a hospital on an outpatient basis and the filthy reptiles tried charging me an extra $1100 for a bed I never slept in. I will never go back to a hospital for any reason and even stitched my skin up when I sliced my knee one time to the bone.

It's just as bad with teeth. Decades ago you could just arrange to go have your teeth cleaned, sometimes just walking in off the street for the job, as I did on numerous occasions. Now you have to pay 3, 4, 5 times the cost of a simple cleaning with mandatory pre screening, X rays and "inspection" by the dentist. Several years ago I went in for a root canal and the fuckwad broke my tooth. Because they know they can get away with it I was charged for the procedure anyway, even though it came out of my pocket and then I had to go in to an oral sugeon for an extraction, which I paid for also.

This incompetent, money grubbing shit extends to veterinarians too. Even if you know exactly what's wrong with a pet, even if you've previously brought your pet to the ripoff animal hospital before for the same exact problem, they force you to bring the pet back in and charge you again. I once had a cat that was terminal with leukemia and the scumbag vet told me he'd be dead inside 24 hours but that didn't stop him from charging me for a week's worth of medicine. Some other scumbag vet killed another little buddy of mine with an anesthetic overdose. I've never gotten over it, and never really will.

It's endemic and getting worse by the day, this murderous, incompetent, greedy and thoroughly disgusting facade of "health care" in this failed, rotten corpse of a totalitarian hell hole. All corrupt government is in the the corporate pocket and president pussy's administration is exactly the same as any other corrupt mob that comes down the highway. To wit:

U.S. to Let Insurers Raise Fees for Sick Children

"Earlier this year, major insurers, faced with an unprofitable business, stopped issuing new child-only policies. They said that the Obama administration’s interpretation of the new health care law would allow families to buy such coverage at the last minute, when children became ill and were headed to the hospital."

Can't fucking have that now, can we? Imagine that outrage, making it easier for families to get sick children the care they need without spending every stinkung penny they'll ever make. Just like that guy whose house burned down while the fire department stood around because he hadn't paid a $75 fee beforehand, and refused to accept payment while everything he owned went up in flames, kids will now die because president pussy got his kneepads out once again to suck off his masters.


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