Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Few Political Hacks Decide Tyranny Is OK

Supreme Court rejects case of woman ejected from Bush speech

"WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court turned down a lawsuit today against aides to former President George W. Bush for having ejected a Colorado woman from one of his public speeches because her car had a bumper sticker that said "No More Blood for Oil."

By a 7-2 vote, the court let stand a ruling that held the president is free to select his audience at public speeches and to have his aides remove persons who may disagree with him."

"In the Colorado case, however, there was no allegation that Leslie Weise, a clean-energy consultant, had protested or threatened the president. She had obtained a ticket to an event in Denver in 2005 where the president was due to speak about Social Security. But when aides to Bush learned of the bumper sticker on her car, they had her removed from her seat and escorted away.

She later sued Michael Casper and another official who made the decision to remove her. They admitted afterward that the bumper sticker was the basis for their action."

Laura Wells, Green Party candidate for governor, arrested at Whitman-Brown debate

"The big Whitman-Brown California gubernatorial debate at Dominican College in San Rafael already has plenty of drama going -- protesters from the California Nurses Association and other groups here in force. And Laura Wells, the Green Party candidate for governor, was arrested just minutes ago and put into a patrol car.

Marnie Glickman, the spokeswoman for Wells, said that the two had tickets to the debate and were entering Angelico Hall, when they were pulled aside by authorities. She said that they were told that they could not enter because of her status as a gubernatorial candidate."


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