Saturday, September 18, 2010

We're Going To Have A Lot Of Fun With The Palin Clones

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Tea With Frankenstein: Please, No Masturbation

"Just when you thought you'd reached the ground floor in the well of American self-destruction, you find out once again that that pit is absolutely bottomless.

Now that primary season is almost over, the far-right tea party movement has scored impressive victories over the far-right establishment in a slew of Republican primaries. I've always said that the regressive movement would end up eating its young, and now it is.

The new batch of Republican monsters includes a candidate - now the official Republican nominee for the United States Senate from Delaware, mind you - who has staked out a tough position against - no, I'm not kidding here - masturbation.

Christine O'Donnell once averred that "The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate without lust."

And why the hell not? Surely the reason that our country has so rapidly fallen into decline is that god is punishing America because so many of us are jerking off all the time.

You know who you are."

Delaware Masturbators March Against O'Donnell


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