Friday, September 17, 2010

Economy So Bad Towns Can't Afford To Poison Their Citizens

Red Bay stops putting fluoride in water

"RED BAY, Alabama (WAFF)- The Franklin County town of Red Bay recently stopped putting fluoride in the water.

Town leaders say it was an economic decision. They had officials look at several studies and never found any evidence that supported keeping the fluoride in the water.

"I guess we wound up saving about 50-thousand dollars a year in the production of our water, and we're a small system so 50-thousand dollars a year is a big savings," said Joe Beasley, Red Bay Water and Gas Department.

Leaders say because they're not adding fluoride, they also were able to cutback on other chemicals used in the system."

18 water systems in state stopped adding fluoride

seen at Dprogram


Blogger michael tew said...

The weakest link in the chain - finance. who wudda thought - The evil international banksters will ultimately be defeated in their attempt to impose a police state because the communities won't be able to afford it. A silver lining in the collapse? We can but hope.

17/9/10 11:12 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Indeed. The police state is doomed for many reasons in it's inherent corrupt nature. The Big Attempt to impose a top down whatever-you-want-to-call-it will disintegrate because of it's own stupidity, but not before causing immense heartache.

18/9/10 6:19 PM  

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