Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yes, It Would Be A World War, But What's The Reason?

Ahmadinejad warns against Iran attack

"As fueling of Bushehr nuclear power plant begins, Iranian president warns that a strike on Iran would be answered with "harsh and painful" retaliation that would "encompass the whole world."

The problem for us peasants looking through the gates of the castle and trying to figure out what our so-called masters are doing is to try to read between the lines.
For years 'an attack on Iran' was in the news; endless speculation about that country's effect on the global financial market, rescuing those Brit navy personnel, accusing the country of supplying arms to Iraqis to kill americans. It's hard to judge the iceberg when most of it's beneath the surface. I don't think it's as clear cut as it might seem.
There's plenty of evidence that far from that dust up between Iranians and the US during the hostage crisis in 1979 was actually collusion that enabled Reagan to get into office and begin the country's steady decline. That the Ayatollah was a CIA asset and Iran's been part of the NWO ever since. That Ahmadinejad is really also a CIA asset, posing as an Israel/US meany, ready to hand the death cult a convenient war to further total control and combine with the financial bus plunge to bring in the NWO.
The thing about war these days is that it's theater. Aside from the unfortunate boots on the ground and an endless number of dead innocents it has nothing to do with winning and losing for the masturbating elite but it has everything to do with their more nefarious agendas.


Anonymous greencrow said...

Hi Nolo

Are you saying that there ARE no good guys? (like the pres of Iran) only bad guys like the current western leaders?

I'm thinking (and hoping) that if there is a WWIII that Russia and/or China will target HAARP (and its commanders) and nuke it off the face of the earth...and any other monstrosities like it.

I wouldn't mind that the planet were nuked back to the stone age if it would save it from the effects of the HAARP-evil ones.


21/8/10 9:44 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

It really is possible there are no good guys on the world stage, and that what we're seeing is just total fraud along the lines of the bogus left/right political crap posing as politics in america.

It may be that in order to attain prominence in any country in the world today you must be vetted by the worldwide death cult, and gauged how useful your service might be. After all, Hitler was financed by Wall Street, and the real Saddam is probably sipping cocktails at a villa on the Black Sea.

I used to think Ahmadenijad was a true thorn in the fascist death cult's side. Really now I'm not so sure.
When the missiles fly though, one sure sign is if Iran plays it to the death, rather than rolls over and becomes another Iraq, or perhaps strings the conflict along, ensuring continual massive profits for corporations in this depression as a big new war carries on. I just don't know anymore gc. We always have to realize for every year that goes by the military advances 40 - 50 years in technology, meaning we're in science fiction realm now.

21/8/10 1:51 PM  

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