Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Bad Is It?

City gets tough with illegal garage sales crime wave

"LOGANSPORT, Ind. — The city of Logansport is cracking down on residents who fail to get a $5 permit before putting up signs advertising garage sales. The ordinance has been on the city books for about 30 years. City officials say it began when utility workers used to climb poles to work on lines. A pole full of nails from garage sale signs often created a safety hazard. Even though utility crews now use machines to access lines, Deputy Mayor Linda Klinck says the signs can become an eyesore because people don't remove them after the sale ends. They also can pose a safety hazard if placed over stop signs.
[ Not once in my life have I ever seen a garage sale ad put on a stop sign and I seriously believe this tool just pulled that out of his ass. ]
Building commissioner Gary Hostetler said he is going out on Saturdays seeking violations in an effort to fix the problem. He takes photos, removes the signs and sends letters to the sale operators asking them to appear before the Board of Works & Public Safety. "We said, 'Enough is enough,"' Hostetler said. A dozen people were called before the board earlier this month. Violators were informed of the rules and agreed to pay $10 fines for having a garage sale without a permit, but they left with a stern warning from Mayor Mike Fincher. "There is a permit required. They are $5. The fine for having a garage sale without a permit is $10. There is a fine also for signs," Fincher said."


Anonymous greencrow said...

So much for capitalism in the United States.


29/8/10 8:28 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Haha, deep pocket socialism for the rich, social darwinism for the rest of us!

3/9/10 1:27 PM  

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