Wednesday, August 11, 2010

HAARP Chaos On The World?

Weather War

Ø The greatest heatwave and destructive fires Russia has experienced in over 1,000 years.
Ø The greatest flooding Central Europe has experienced in over 800 years.
Ø Flooding in Pakistan so epic the United Nations has named this megadisaster as being worse than the 2004 tsunami that shattered the Indian Ocean basin.
Ø Flooding so catastrophic in China the death toll is soaring into the thousands.
Ø A heatwave so terrible in Japan it has caused its hospitals to be flooded with over 21,000 heatstroke victims.
Ø A heatwave of unprecedented proportions that has gripped the eastern and southern parts of the United States this summer and shows no signs of abating.
Ø Temperatures so low in the western United States that farmers in California are now reporting their fruits and vegetables are being destroyed.
Ø A catastrophic drought hitting Africa that has put over 10 million people in immediate danger of starvation death.
Ø A catastrophic winter occurring in South America that has killed in Bolivia alone between 3-6 million fish and thousands of cattle in Brazil, and hundreds of people.


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