Monday, June 07, 2010

Gulf And East Coast Are In Big Trouble

Flash Bulletin: Corexit is Killing the Gulf

“We don’t have any data or evidence behind the use of these chemicals in the water. We’re now basically using one of the richest ecosystems in the world as a laboratory.”

"...should a Katrina like tropical hurricane form in the Gulf of Mexico while tens of millions of gallons of Corexit 9500 are sitting on, or near, its surface the resulting “toxic rain” falling upon the North American continent could “theoretically” destroy all microbial life to any depth it reaches resulting in an “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top”.

Michio Kaku: Hurricane impact along Gulf coast to dump oil ‘all over the South’; Potentially 100s of miles inland

“Hurricanes will grab water several hundred feet below the surface and loft it up into the sky.”
A hurricane strike in the Gulf of Mexico would dump an oil & water mixture all over the South, potentially reaching hundreds of miles inland, said Kaku."

Busy hurricane season expected, so batten the hatches

"But forecasters are predicting that the 2010 season will be anything but tranquil. El Nino is gone, ocean temperatures are at record levels, and we are still in a cycle of more active seasons. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is projecting an "active to extremely active'' season with 14 to 23 named storms. Of those, the agency predicts that eight to 14 will be hurricanes, with three to seven reaching Category 3 or greater."


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