Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Evidence All Politicians Are In On The Massive Con Job

Just last week Obama reminded us that he's part of the massive effort to keep us fooled about the phony Al Qaeda menace. Now cocaine for weapons capo di tutti capi from the 1980s opens his piehole to make us remember the big scam that was pulled off during his reign as crime boss in the 1990s.

Bill Clinton draws parallels to Oklahoma City

"Former President Bill Clinton on Friday said that “legitimate” comparisons can be drawn between today's grass-roots anger and resentment toward the government and the right-wing extremism that bubbled up prior to the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City 15 years ago.
Speaking on the anniversary of one of the most traumatic domestic events of his presidency during an event at the Center for American Progress, Clinton judged the “fever” of anti-government sentiment in the mid-1990s to be similar in some respects to the current political environment."

I couldn't give a shit who's in office, whether it's dems or reps, scumbags are scumbags for what they do rather than the brand they supposedly are a part of. It's in the fascists' best interest to push this fake left/right battle to divide the american people into phony camps that fight each other rather than oppose this burgeoning authoritarian police state that's been full throttle since black tuesday in 2001.

What Bubba is trying to do here is give credence to the cointelpro anti militia program that his administration was charged with carrying out in the 90s. It culminated with FBI spooks murdering almost 200 people in Oklahoma City in 1995, blaming it on disgruntled ex military member McVeigh and "rightwing" militias. Just like 9/11 the whole operation was a government psyop that slaughtered innocent people for political ends, and of course they pulled it off during their death cult high holy days of late April human sacrifice.

For that mass murderer to even bring it up at this point means he's in on all of the filth the fascists have pulled off over the years, a pretty obvious conclusion, but more ominously it shows the scumbags aren't done with us yet. I think all the tea party crap is manipulated, astroturf stupidity, a top down hijacking of legitimate anger, and if the criminals feel there's anything like a real movement to oppose this headlong rush into totalitarianism then they'll pull off yet more murderous rampages.

army keeps Ryder trucks on hand for those special occasions


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