Sunday, April 18, 2010


thanks to Spooked

amazing photos at's The Big Picture


This eruption may trigger a much more massive and dangerous volcano

"Eyjafjallajökull is considered a small volcano? What happens if the big one erupts? Scared? You should be. What scientists say may happen is that Eyjafjallajökull volcano usually trgigers the eruption of Mr. Katla. The last eruption of Mt. Kayla came in 1783 and happened after three eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull, considered by scientist to be a small volcano.
The last eruption of Eyjafjallajökull happened in 1918, but only once. Now, Eyjafjallajökull has erupted twice. Once Eyjafjallajökull erupted on March 20, 2010, and again on April 14, 2010.
Two thing can happen now:
The volcanco can stop erupting.
The volcano triggers Mt. Katla which is a much larger and montrous volcano by Icelandic standards then, we have climatic problems.
If scientists are right, Eyjafjallajökull is connected to Mt. Katla by a magna chamber. The eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull have or could trigger an eruption of the much larger volcano causing climate change and economic hardship for both Europe and the United States.
When this pattern of eruptions happened in 1783, a fog covered Europe and the United States for eight months. The difference between then and now is air travel. If air travel is halted for an extended length of time, the economic effects on both North America and Europe could be devastating."


Anonymous greencrow said...

Hi Nolo:

These catastrophic climatic events seem to be happening with amazing regularity now.

Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes all seem to be making the mainstream media headlines. They way they're treated by the M$M is what bothers me. The media has no time for any stories that don't protect and further the global agenda.

Why is it slathering so much attention on these events?

In my opinion, it is because these climatic events are the same as all the other events perpetrated by the globalists....they're shakedowns.

In the case of the climactic events, the globalists have their HAARP which some export told Jesse Ventura was the "death ray". They use this and other climate control mechanism to F&$* around with the environment and flex their muscles. Each time one of these events takes place...the media focuses on the economic angle. How much is the economic loss? It's ALL about the money.

The subliminal message is....we can wreck your economy with one of our events unless you pay a world wide "climate tax".

It's the old protection racket on a global scale. This is my opinion, anyway.


18/4/10 10:34 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Gc, this is actually a very deep subject that I can only casually comment on.

I absolutely agree that probably a majority of catastrophic events now are human manufactured, a la "disaster capitalism". For decades I've been bending peoples' ears that we turned a disastrous corner when we decided that profits, whether money or power or whatever, could be had when bad things happen. That absolutely ensured that bad things would happen with greater frequency, and very sick people are making those things their life's mission.

Also, we're entering into a period of catastrophic change where natural processes are undergoing massive flux. Our masters of the universe know this quite well and are going to also try to profit from this. Try this idiocy on for size.

Embracing and causing disasters. Jeebus. It's a lot like Edgar Cayce's Atlanteans who misused technology to the point they destroyed their world 12,000 years ago.

18/4/10 4:58 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

And more disaster capitalism

18/4/10 5:24 PM  
Anonymous greencrow said...

Hi again Nolo:

Thanks for your response to my comment. Following the links provided by your blog post I found these two amazing sites. One is a blog site and the other a You Tube video of an interview with now deceased geologist Phil Schneider. Thanks to you, I learned some amazing perspectives on world history.


18/4/10 11:33 PM  
Anonymous greencrow said...

sorry, here are the links I meant to post with my previous comment:


18/4/10 11:35 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I lived up in the NW in the 90s and went to that Preparedness Exposition in Seattle where Schneider gave that talk, but I saw other speakers, not him. I did get a cassette copy of him at the time.
I lived just down the road from Wilsonville where he was tortured and murdered. The fact that they did that to him absolutely verifies the truth of what he had to say, which makes that final presentation of his positively riveting.

20/4/10 5:41 AM  
Anonymous greencrow said...

The more I read on this subject the more intrigued I am by it. It answers so many questions about why the deliberate destruction of our planet by "humans" the unending wars and the nuclear weaponry "overkill".

I have lived long enough to see almost all of my paradigm shift from what I believed even 20 years ago. I hope I will live long enough to see Phil Schneider and others like him vindicated.


24/4/10 12:26 PM  

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