Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Guess It Takes Being On The US Hit List To Speak The Truth

Or maybe it's the other way around.

Iran Responds Sharply to Clinton’s Dictatorship Remark

"Locked in a sharpening confrontation with the United States, Iran on Tuesday rejected an assertion by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that it was becoming a military dictatorship, saying America itself answered to that description.
The foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, “raised questions about the United States military dictatorship in the region,” the English-language Press TV broadcaster said, accusing Washington of practicing “modern deceit” and using “fake words” to disguise its intentions in the Persian Gulf area."

Chavez Says U.S., Colombia Have Made ‘Pact for War’

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said the U.S. and Colombian governments have made a “pact for war” with a deal to allow American troops to use facilities at seven military bases.
Chavez said the U.S. will use technology installed at the bases to spy and plan attacks on strategic targets in Venezuela, and that President Barack Obama is following the same path as his predecessor, George W. Bush."

Latin American leaders say US occupying Haiti

"Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua say the US is using the international relief operation in Haiti as a cover-up for a military takeover.
Bolivian President Evo Morales said that he will request an emergency UN meeting to reject what he calls the US military occupation of Haiti.
“It’s not right that the United States should use this natural disaster to invade and militarily occupy Haiti,” Morales told a press conference on Wednesday.
“If you have all these problems with the injured and the dead from the earthquake, you have to go there to save lives, and you don’t do that from a military standpoint,” he added."


Blogger greencrow said...

Canadianb PM Stephen Harper is visiting Haiti this week and commented that Canada has purchased special aircraft so that it can participated in these military-based projects.

What a sleezy comment...Haitians are dying because of lack of basic essentials and the NeoCon lite boy brags about hardware purchased with Canadian taxpayer funds.

Yes, it took nanoseconds for the world to catch on to the latest false flag, the latest atrocity and the latest greedy grab of the Ziofascists.


16/2/10 7:07 PM  

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