Friday, February 12, 2010

Air Force VS Hollywood

It was the 1960s. Americans were scared shitless from the Cuban missile crisis and didn't exactly have a large amount of faith in the military after nervously laughing through Dr. Strangelove. Duck and cover drills in elementary schools. Conelrad alerts. Fallout shelters were everywhere.
I'll let Disinformation finish:

"So in an attempt to persuade Americans that there was no chance of some rogue general or crosswired computer unleashing an atomic war, Strategic Air Command (SAC) went into the film business itself.
The result, a 17-minute propaganda film called
SAC Command Post, was never shown to the public and was all but forgotten until it was unearthed at the national archive by William Burr, a researcher from George Washington University.
Burr describes the film as intended to counter early 1960s novels and Hollywood films such as Fail-Safe, about a US president forced to drop an atomic bomb on New York after America accidentally attacks Russia, and Dr Strangelove.

Have something to drink handy if you go watch this short film, because it's as dry as a nun's gusset.


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