Tuesday, November 03, 2009

They're Playing Us Like A Cheap Violin

As soon as I figured out that this entire 'swine flu' charade was a manufactured phenomenon, I knew that every aspect of it had a hidden agenda and was going to be stage managed.

The year long fear propaganda campaign. Ignoring the lessons from the southern hemisphere's winter flu season. Passing laws to indemnify the vaccine labs. Declaring a national emergency. And also creating a false scarcity of flu vaccine which serves two purposes. The supposed Masters of the Universe know that there's too much bad press about the poisonous serums they want in our bloodstreams and being diligent students of Bernays they realized that people want stuff more when they can't have it.
Pretending innoculations aren't quite available while they scare us to death with flu boogah boogah and contrived outbreaks like in Ukraine is going to make a lot of sheep demand to be vaccinated all the more. Cue your media operatives and we see this propaganda crap:

Demand for swine flu vaccine in LA County exceeds supply

Demand for flu vaccines in Alaska outpaces supply

H1N1 vaccine clinics hit by 'pent-up demand'

Demand for H1N1 Vaccine Causes Shortages

Overwhelming demand for H1N1 vaccine sees thousands line up at Toronto clinics

And that's all on the first results page of a "people demand vaccines" google search.
The manipulators know most people will fall for this, despite reservations about the effects of getting shot up with proven poison. Phony shortages also allow them to justify the disgusting adjuvants they're putting into the shots, because these accelerants can let the vaccine makers dilute the serums, making more dosages available.

But please don't take my word for it.

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine

"A recording of a recent Council On Foreign Relations symposium reveals attendees discussing ways and means of getting the public to take the H1N1 flu vaccine in spite of the mass resistance that has arisen due to questions over it’s safety.
The recording dates from October 16 when the CFR held a Symposium in New York entitled
Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics, and Foreign Policy.
The meeting was held in order to encourage a consensus for policy to present to the federal government concerning the so called swine flu pandemic.
In attendance were professors and doctors from several influential universities and medical schools, along with media representatives from Science Magazine, The Canadian Press and The Financial Times.
Other notable attendees included Robert E. Rubin, Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and current Co-Chair of the CFR, along with John Lange, Senior Program Officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program.
During part of the discussion (
see transcript) on whether or not the vaccine should be made mandatory for health workers and school children, Lone Simonsen, Research Professor and Research Director at the Department of Global Health, George Washington University, suggests creating an artificial scarcity in order to ramp up demand for the vaccine.
I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand. (Laughter.) We saw that — there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot.” Simonsen says, much to the amusement of the other attendees at the symposium.
The entire recording is on the CFR website
here, but an edited version appears in the following short video:


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