Monday, November 02, 2009

The Real Reason For Western Occupation Emerges

9/11 and "the hunt for the perpetrators" was always for the gullible mouthbreathers. Empire wants it's bases to encircle Russia and oversee it's drug production and future resource extraction.
The US is desperate to stop what it sees as a no win public relations struggle. That's why it's trying every possible way to quietly keep what it's seized, including bribing recalcitrant Afghans to sit down and shut up.

Taliban Decline US Offer Of 6 Provinces for 8 Bases

"November 02, 2009 "IOL" -- ISLAMABAD – The emboldened Taliban movement in Afghanistan turned down an American offer of power-sharing in exchange for accepting the presence of foreign troops, Afghan government sources confirmed.
"US negotiators had offered the Taliban leadership through Mullah Wakil Ahmed Mutawakkil (former Taliban foreign minister) that if they accept the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan, they would be given the governorship of six provinces in the south and northeast," a senior Afghan Foreign Ministry official told requesting anonymity for not being authorized to talk about the sensitive issue with the media.
He said the talks, brokered by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, continued for weeks at different locations including the Afghan capital Kabul.
Saudi Arabia, along with Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, were the only states to recognize the Taliban regime which ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
Turkish Prime Minister Reccap Erodgan has reportedly been active in brokering talks between the two sides.
His emissaries are in contact with Hizb-e-Islami (of former prime minister Gulbadin Hikmatyar) too because he is an important factor in northeastern Afghanistan."
A Taliban spokesman admitted indirect talks with the US."


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