Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Israeli Pirates Hijack Ship

Israel claimed overnight that it's navy boarded a ship and found weapons.
After seeing the headline and knowing the constant propaganda that Israel puts out to affirm it's forever victim status, a little digging instantly confirmed any suspicions.

Apparently in this case "An Israeli Navy commando force, that reached the deep sea in small boats, boarded the Francop, a cargo ship owned by charter company UFS traveling under an Antiguan flag." The cargo ship was 100 miles out to sea meaning it was outside Israel's internationally recognized 12 mile coast, meaning this was piracy, however this will never be pointed out in MSM stories because US/Israeli/British forces are beyond the laws of the high seas with their exalted exeptional status. Notice that the crew claimed they knew nothing about the one container that supposedly had weapons - "The crew of sailors did not resist the commando and said that they did not know what was in the large container on board. The commando force opened the container and revealed missiles, rockets, shells, grenades, and small arms."
Funny how the Israelis could zero in on one container on a 450 foot container ship carrying thousands of them.

When putting out propaganda it's best to have all your ducks in a row.

Weapons bound for Lebanon
"According to an official statement, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the munitions, on what the military described as an Antiguan-flagged ship boarded boarded by a naval unit 100 miles from the Israeli coast, were earmarked for "the terrorist arena in the north," an apparent reference to Hezbollah."

Weapons bound for Syria
"The IDF spokesman said that on Tuesday a special force of the Navy detained and boarded a merchant ship carrying the flag of Antigua about 100 miles west of the coast of Israel. After an initial inspection carried out by Navy forces, the ship was found to be carrying a variety of weapons disguised as civilian cargo.
Channel 2 News said that the ship was carrying weapons from Iran to Syria."

Weapons bound for Gaza
"Israel has long accused arch-foes Syria and Iran of supplying weapons to Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, which has been ruled by the Islamist Hamas movement since June 2007."

Of course since this story broke only hours ago the media will disappear any inconsistancies to get to the real effort here, and that is for us to blame Iran. It doesn't matter if countries were shipping weapons, if Israel planted weapons or if there weren't any weapons at all. Forget about Israel's piracy. The things we're supposed to understand here is that Israel can do whatever it wants at any time to anybody, and that the terror state is perennialy, permanently, always the victim, now justified in nuking Iran.

added - Just so Foxified dullards are sure to get it:

"JERUSALEM – Open crates from a cargo ship seized Wednesday by Israel revealed dark green missiles inside. Containers from the vessel bore writing in English that said "I.R. Iranian Shipping Lines Group."


Blogger I4P Writers Group said...

Hey there Nolo:)
My bullshit detector has gone off. Oh, so now these fictional weapons were bound for Lebanon, this morning they were bound for Gaza and they tied this hasbara story into the one where they claim Hamas has somehow, under siege, when even cookies are not allowed into Gaza, have re-armed themselves with rockets that can now reach tel aviv.

And to think, all of this hits the news, JUST before the Goldstone report re-appears in the UN


4/11/09 6:46 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Let's for a second assume there were weapons on board. With Israel's constant threats who could blame the countries in the area? It's not like the US isn't sending thousands of tons of military hardware, just like Israel was rushed hundreds of thousands of cluster bombs at the end of 2006's war on Lebanon. The hypocrisy drips.

4/11/09 7:20 PM  
Blogger Frank Hope said...

Great article. I can only add that this was timed to divert attention from the Goldstone report. Netenyahu has even come out with a statement calling the shipment a "war crime".

Israel says weapons shipment a war crime

Your absolutely spot on in pointing out how unbelievable it is that the Israelis were able to go straight to the particular container with the weapons. Also the amount of weapons is constantly changing and growing in media reports.

And yes, this is clearly an act of piracy which is being totally ignored. The MSM has hopped all over this article and are pushing it onto an unsuspecting American public. Gee, I wonder why they didn't publish this many articles about the Goldstone report? Maybe because it doesn't fit into AIPAC's agenda.

And no Virginia, there is no Israel Lobby.

P.S. I have a blog in which I often write about Palestinian issues - Future News Today. My latest article titled "US Congress declares war on the Palestinian people"features Dennis Kucinich's response to the AIPAC sponsored House resolution condemning the Goldstone Report.

5/11/09 12:43 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Hi Frank, thanks for the links.
You're very correct about the Fantastic Morphing Cargo. I wish I'd paid more attention to that aspect of this charade and had saved the stuff I found, which unfortunately is not to be found now.

5/11/09 4:01 PM  

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