Thursday, October 22, 2009

Real Axis Of Weasels Is Increasingly Isolated

The world caught on to the US/Israel/British axis and it's filthy agenda a long time ago but seemed to play a waiting game until now. There's nothing but bad news for empire's ambitions. It looks like the world has finally had enough.

Israel screwed the pooch ten months ago with it's sickening attack on Gaza, committing insane atrocities that finally branded it forever as a dangerous pariah and might even get it kicked out of the UN. Turkey used to be the terror state's closest ally in the region but Gaza was the straw that broke that camel's back. Turkey not only kicked Israel out of scheduled war games but ended all defense and military cooperation with it. The importance of that sea change in international relationships can't be over emphasized.

The Goldstone scathing indictment on Israeli crimes against humanity is going to be sent to the Hague which will mean the entire Israeli government will be war criminals. They won't step outside their country without getting arrested. The shitty little terror entity and their shenanigans get busted on a daily basis - criminal organ smuggling, spies in the US, illegal listening devices in neighboring countries, false flag atrocities, the list goes on and on. Their image is destroyed beyond fixing, so much so that even their eternal whinefest about anti semitism is finally falling on deaf ears.

Predictably the US is following it's best little buddy over the cliff by siding once again with Israel and it's war crimes even though this country is imploding with it's own catastrophes. There are signs the entire world is gearing up to oppose the empire from the Bolivarian revolution south of the border to the Shanghai pact, but the biggest threat is the rest of the world pulling the economic rug out from underneath the US, and the most dangerous sign is a brand new rift with Japan.
The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won a huge victory in elections last August, signalling a new direction for the country, away from the US. Just like Turkey was to Israel in the middle east, Japan is the US's closest ally in Asia and if the US loses them there could be real serious consequences and it's not looking sanguine.

The most important thing about all this is how vulnerable we are now. Our economy is in a slow motion bus plunge. Our debt is staggeringly out of control and we owe other countries, the ones increasingly turning their backs on us, a shitload of wealth. We owe China and Japan together over $1,500,000,000,000. We have to borrow at least another $10,000,000,000,00 over the next decade to fund deficit spending.
The world just isn't going to subsidize perpetual US war much longer - just a few days ago Japan told the US it was going to stop it's naval refueling mission in support of war on Afghanistan in the Indian Ocean - and any escalation of conflicts around the globe will bring us to a drastic turning point. The dollar resembles a falling brick and all that phony fiat paper coming off the presses is making it worse. For months the countries propping up the empire have been not only been talking about dropping the dollar, they've been doing it. If, say, this country gets into serious war in Pakistan, or if Israel starts an insane unprovoked war on Iran and the US joins in, in the blink of an eye the world could completely destroy the United States by crushing what's left it's currency. With the increasingly desperate psychos in charge I'd bet this happens in the very near future


Blogger I4P Writers Group said...

Cheers Nolo:)

you are right there about Gaza being the tipping point. I believe this myself and have planned on writing about this soon.

In every horrible oppressive struggle there is always a tipping point. In Ireland it was bloody sunday, where the British were caught shooting unarmed civilians.

But it is not always when the oppressors kill large numbers, and this is the thing. Sometimes hundreds can be murdered and nothing changes, but then one particular killing can turn the tide. I'm old enough to remember that in South Africa it was the killing of Stephen Bantu Biko that turned the tide there.

so yes, gaza is Palestines Bloody Sunday and Steve Biko

23/10/09 7:42 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Cheers back to you Irish.
As I mentioned most of the world caught on to empire's dark ambitions and Israel's crimes a long time ago but kept silent. You're absolutely correct that Gaza now, finally, opened the floodgates of critiocism and opposition.
IMO, Israel as we know it in all it's racist and fanatical hubris, is finished.

23/10/09 7:27 PM  
Blogger Devin said...

Nolo-thanks so very much for this article! I just got done reading an article at some blog saying that the world couldn't find a replacement for the USD as a reserve currency until like 2018 -hahahah I thought WTF??? I think the world is getting a little tired of its "America" problem-it wouldn't surprise me if there are plans to do a lot worse than get rid of our currency as a reserve currency -haha unless our own ahem "leaders" do it to us first:-) all the best ot you and the mrs and all who comment here!!!

25/10/09 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Kelly said...

Great blog, just found it for the first time. I'm having a good time looking around.

One comment though on style not substance. White on black is more difficult to read than the inverse.


1/11/09 2:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for supplying this info

29/1/17 10:08 PM  

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