Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Structure Found On Mars

And debunkers rush in to explain it away. But compare the photos for yourself.
Here is what someone found:


zooming in from another angle:


Image location: lat -7.2 °, long 267.4 °

Here's USA Today to the rescue, saving us from delusions that there could be something interesting here. But notice the picture they provide. It doesn't look anything like the picture above.

Scientists: Mars 'monolith' a boulder

"UFO enthusiasts have discovered a "monolith" on Mars, but the planetary scientists behind the images say balderdash.
Taken in 2008,
the image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission depicts boulders strewn across a canyon near Mars' colossal Valles Marineris. "The structure closely resembles the black monolith that appears during key moments of man's evolution in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey," suggested a report in the United Kingdom's Daily Mail on Monday.
Alas for science fiction fans. "The image they have is actually oriented incorrectly and when viewed with North up, one can see it's a boulder reflecting sunlight," says Ari Espinoza of the University of Arizona's HiRISE team, which runs the spacecraft's cameras and posted the image. "We certainly appreciate people coming to our site and looking at our beautiful images, but more often than not, there's nothing to comment on."


And a UK paper calls it merely simulacra and it's just your lying eyes again.


Blogger spooked said...

cool stuff-- and how on earth can that boulder cast such a long shadow?

And there is something funky with the image on the Az site-- the blow-up they give doesn't match the image on the site at all

5/8/09 5:50 AM  
Anonymous E. Harris said...

It's on Mars' moon, Phobos. See: http://palermoproject.com/Mars_Anomalies/PhobosAnomalies1.html

5/8/09 8:54 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

No E, it's a different thing than the item on Phobos, apparently. I can't open your link, sorry, but this object that's being pooh poohed was imaged by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. If I'm correct about your link that object was grabbed by the Russian Phobos 2 in the late 80s.

5/8/09 9:59 AM  
Blogger Axyro said...

Well, if we recall the scientists in 2001 were skeptical too.... c'mon NASA check it out! What's the worst that could happen? The evolution of the human race?

5/8/09 9:59 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Yes Axyro, actually our awakening evolution is the worst nightmare for the people who depend on manipulating our understanding of our existence.
Oddities and oddballs shall be negated.

5/8/09 11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any monkeys

6/8/09 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/4/12 10:56 AM  

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