Thursday, August 20, 2009

CIA Front Busy Again

Al-Qaida emerges as main suspect in Iraq bombings

"BAGHDAD — Al-Qaida in Iraq is the most likely suspect behind massive truck bombings targeting major government institutions in Baghdad."
"No group claimed responsibility for Wednesday's truck bombings at the foreign and finance ministries, but the U.S. military said they bore the hallmarks of al-Qaida, which is known for its high-profile vehicle bombs and simultaneous suicide attacks."

Maybe it's just me but when, as if on cue, MSM started talking about "AQ in Iraq" several years ago it was painfully obvious this fictitious group was a propaganda talking point. I mean, couldn't the PR nerds come up with some scarier moniker than "The Name That Desperately Strives To Link What We Did On 9/11 With Our False Flag Bombs" in Iraq?

The US military is never leaving Iraq unless it's defeated and forced out a la Vietnam. That gargantuan embassy and all the base constructions aren't going to be abandoned. It was hard work convincing Boobus Iraq had to be invaded, dammit, so even as the O administration bandies dates around for getting out of the country the black ops will maintain a level of violence to make certain an endless supposed need for staying the course. Cue the expected headlines:

Bombings taint American promise to remove all combat troops from Iraq


Blogger spooked said...

it's not just you-- al qaeda in iraq always seemed to me embarrassingly bad propaganda

21/8/09 4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The AQ propaganda has been a goldmine for the CIA alright, it keeps the fear level high enough to give the US governments cover to keep troops in Iraq.

Eventually the Pentagon will have the troop level down to 75,000, the standard they had in Germany, Japan and South Korea. That'll be enough to keep the fortress embassy and the auxiliary bases manned for years to come.

Like 50-60.

21/8/09 5:01 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

So stupidly obvious spooked, and the media solemnly intones it as if it's real.

It's an interesting game dad, to look at the big picture and wonder how the reptiles think their manipulations should pan out. What exactly do they think it's going to look like in 2, 5, 10 years?
I believe your number is around what they'll think they need to maintain a foothold in country, ensconced in their behemoth bases and having their mercs do the dirty work outside, ready at a moment's notice to use overwhelming force to keep their ill gotten oilfields. Of course empires always think they can get away with these fantasies.

21/8/09 6:15 PM  

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