Sunday, June 14, 2009

Willing Chumps Get Fooled Again

TV report: U.S. duped into attack

"LONDON (AP) A British television report to be broadcast Monday says American forces who killed scores of people last August in Azizabad, western Afghanistan, attacked the village on the basis of false allegations inspired by a blood feud with a neighboring community.
An hourlong, in-depth documentary, previewed by the Associated Press and to be broadcast by Channel 4, includes scenes from a Herat provincial court trial in which a leader from the rival village was sentenced to death for murder for having given false information leading to the deaths of 91 innocent Azizabad civilians.
Despite that court ruling, the U.S. Central Command maintains its position that the Americans killed 22 Taliban fighters, along with 33 civilians.
The British broadcaster will also report that U.S. special forces are not cooperating with local police seeking three men from Kalask, the rival village, in the torture death of an Azizabad man. The suspects are guards at the U.S. base in nearby Shindand.
The report's producer-director and narrator, Tom Roberts, says provincial officials believe U.S. forces have taken sides in the inter-village feud, which apparently stems from competition for Shindand base jobs.
The Azizabad attack badly strained U.S. relations with its Afghan ally, as has a more recent U.S. attack, in Farah province on May 4-5, when, Afghan officials say, 140 villagers were killed. U.S. officials say no more than 30 civilians died, along with 60 to 65 militants."

The US forces just stomp around Afghanistan, itching for a fight, any fight, like a drunken trailer trash yahoo on meth. The reason being that on the face of it there is no fucking reason for the US military to be in that country if you're a rational, sane american who believes in the constitution and doesn't buy the 9/11 fairy tale that was the ostensible purpose to go lay waste to one of the poorest countries on the planet.

The giant lying facade of excuses for this occupation is complete crap and we're murdering Afghanis for oil, heroin and empire. But that won't fly back home or with the twitchy, trigger happy cannon fodder in the field. They need enemies, foxified american dullards need enemies, and so commanders glom onto any reason to create them, happily getting sucked into petty tribal politics and paying dirt poor locals to finger some hapless rivals the next hamlet over.

Think that's cynical? The endless series of missile strikes that kill innocents almost daily aren't mistakes. The US has a long history of provoking the civilian populations of countries it invades into rising up in popular rebellion against the foreign invaders. Who wouldn't be sick with outrage to see family torn to pieces before their eyes and want to strike back at the murderers? Then the subsequent independence movement is a great excuse for the psychopaths to keep the cash flowing as well as pretend there's a reason to be there.


Blogger Devin said...

I cant agree more with your comment-what the eff do americans think they would feel if they watched their families get blown to shreds by an occupying power?? best to you and the mrs as always!!

14/6/09 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All going according to The Bryz's Grand Chessboard Plan Nolo.

Except they still can't get the area secured enough to get that damn pipeline built!

15/6/09 9:07 AM  

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