Saturday, June 13, 2009

Drone Missile Strikes Are Wanton Murders Kept Secret

Secret only from americans, not the victims.
More evidence that the empire simply invents enemies, many times if not most of the time post mortem.

CIA Secrecy on Drone Attacks Data Hides Abuses

"The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s refusal to share with other agencies even the most basic data on the bombing attacks by remote-controlled unmanned predator drones in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region, combined with recent revelations that CIA operatives have been paying Pakistanis to identify the targets, suggests that managers of the drone attacks programs have been using the total secrecy surrounding the program to hide abuses and high civilian casualties."

Press reports that the CIA is paying Pakistani agents for identifying al-Qaeda targets by placing electronic chips at farmhouses supposedly inhabited by al-Qaeda officials, so they can be bombed by predator planes, has raised new questions about whether the CIA and the Obama administration have simply redefined al-Qaeda in order to cover up an abusive system and justify the program.
The initial story on the CIA payments for placing the chips by Carol Grisanti and Mushtaq Yusufzai of NBC News Apr. 17 was based on a confession by a 19-year-old in North Waziristan on a video released by the Taliban. In his confession, the young man says, "I was given 122 dollars to drop chips wrapped in a cigarette paper at al-Qaeda and Taliban houses. If I was successful, I was told, I would be given thousands of dollars."He goes on to say, "I thought this was a very easy job. The money was so good so I started throwing the chips all over. I knew people were dying because of what I was doing, but I needed the money."


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