Sunday, April 05, 2009

Cattle Prod News

Polyester fabric neutralizes stun gun jolt

"A consulting firm with a background in lightning warning systems has come up with a fabric that takes the powerful sting out of being hit with a stun gun or a cattle prod.
Thor Shield is a polyester fabric bonded to a conducted material that effectively loops the electricity coming from a nonlethal electricity weapon back to the weapon.
"If you are hit, the Taser gun won't work," said Greg Schultz, co-owner of G2 Consulting in Tucson, Ariz., which invented Thor Shield. "We return the voltage back to the gun."
Tasers and other electricity weapons work by jolting a person's body with enough electricity to overwhelm their neuromuscular system. When fired, a Taser launches two probes, connected to the gun by wires. When the probes hit a person's body, they create a circuit and 50,000 volts that pass through an individual's system.
A hit from a stun gun is incredibly painful and knocks individuals instantly to the ground in most circumstances. For maximum effect, the probes need to land four inches apart.
Because Thor Shield is conductive, it can complete the circuit with probes without having the electricity pass through an individual's body."

"The Thor Shield fabric comes in different thicknesses. The thinnest version is only about a thirty-second of an inch thick and can be sewn into clothes.
"You can cut it with scissors. It is actually breathable," he said."

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