Saturday, January 10, 2009

Turning Arab Countries Into "Permanent States Of Colonial Dependency"

Israel's dress rehearsal for Lebanon

"The reason the rationale for invading Gaza keeps changing, (from rocket-fire to Hamas infrastructure to strengthening deterrents to weapons smuggling to ceasefire violations etc) is because the Israeli leadership wants to conceal the true objective. The purpose of "Operation Cast Lead" is to conduct a dress rehearsal for another invasion of Lebanon.

That's the real goal. Israel has never recovered from its defeat at the hands of Hezbollah during the 33 Day war in 2006, so it is planning to restart hostilities. The attack on Gaza is just a "dry run" to strengthen morale and put the finishing touches on the battle plan. That's why there's such a disparity between the implicit risks of the current operation and its minuscule strategic gains. It's not really Hamas in the cross-hairs, but Hezbollah; and this time, Israel hopes to crush them with overwhelming force. The massive week-long aerial bombardment of Gaza; the pounding by heavy artillery units, and the deployment of elite troops and armored divisions, all presage a massive Normandy-type invasion of Lebanon with the probability of high casualties."

"So far, the invasion appears to have gone according to plan."

Except for one detail that went awry. Israel seemed to have wanted to do Lebanon in conjunction with the Gaza butchery. But they had to change the time frame when a farmer and Lebanese security discovered and defused missiles ready to be fired from Lebanon into Israel two weeks ago. That they were timed to be sent in conjunction with a sudden blitzkrieg on Gaza is more than a little suspicious. The zionists love their false flag attacks. Gets 'em every time.

So the Israelis are high fiving and bumping chests with their slaughter of the innocents, something they do with regularity, to get their macho up for a larger regional war. It seems to be well known in the middle east. Ahmadinejad - "Israel could attack others" Former Lebanese president Lahoud - "every Arab state one by one".

The carnage is so blatant, the zionist lies so transparent, that it seems to be provocation. The murderous rampage appears to be an attempt to provoke other muslim states into trying to stop the wanton bloodshed, and anything along those lines will be seen as justification to light the big fuse. One thing to watch is the fate of an Iranian relief ship nearing Gaza in defiance of the stifling blockade. In any event the massacre will continue and even escalate until Israel gets what it's after, a giant conflagration and even world war, for fucks sake. But not to worry about our shitty little parasite, it won't lack weapons in it's agenda as the fascists here are sending them plenty.


Blogger Unknown said...

Please watch this video if you really want to know the TRUTH about this conflict. SHOCKING!!!

11/1/09 12:35 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

A most excellent video, Ash, thank you.

11/1/09 5:39 PM  

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