Saturday, January 03, 2009

Bush Mob Encourages Palestinian Murder

US blocks cease-fire, gives Israel carte blanche to continue killing in Gaza

"While Israeli planes, warships and missiles continued to level civilian buildings, mosques and homes, and thousands of Israeli troops with tanks, artillery and armored vehicles awaited the order to enter the Palestinian enclave, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice appeared outside the White House Friday morning following a briefing on the Gaza crisis with President George W. Bush. In a terse statement, Rice once again placed the blame for the Israeli aggression on Hamas and underscored Washington's support for Israel's rejection of cease-fire proposals from France, the European Union and a number of Arab governments."

Only 57% of dead in 2009 are children, Bushistas urge Israel to do better

Watch this, you motherfucking Israel apologists

CNN: US weapons killing innocent civilians in Gaza

But you'd never know that watching You Tube


Blogger Nina said...

mr.n had cnn on this morning, where they were airing portions of bush's radio address. i blew a verbal fuse. i am so f'ing fed up with hearing this zionist bullshit. yeah keep on blowin' up innocent children. who cares, right, as long as israel gets to hold the crown as god's chosen land and chosen people and the rothchild's continue to live out their power trip.

we watched a documentary/spoof--where in the world is osama bin laden. pretty entertaining stuff. anyway an israeli woman was interviewed and the crap coming out of her mouth was hard to grasp. israel the chosen land, the jews of israel, the chosen people, as said so by god. so much propaganda and lies she's been fed. no different than a programmed robot. as i say at times, if there is a god that plays favortism and orders the death of people (old testament diatribe), i want no part of such an intelligence.

3/1/09 12:52 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

This is probably the start of the end, what we've been expecting. We're going to retrieve our survival supplies and head to the safe areas we've been scouting for the last several months. Israel won't stop until they start the much wider war in the middle east they've had a hardon for.

3/1/09 2:20 PM  
Blogger Pugs in Space said...

We are next but no one can see that. Oh that doesn't happen to us, it happens to other people.

3/1/09 8:40 PM  

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