Thursday, July 17, 2008

The "Markets" Are Criminal, Toxic Frauds

Take money out of the bank, pay off debts and buy essentials for barter.

A Complete And Systemic Breakdown

"What you are witnessing is the acceleration of a complete systemic breakdown of the US and world financial systems and economies. It is happening right before your eyes. It is in your face. The Scylla and Charibdis of real estate finance, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are currently in possession of, or have insured, over 5 trillion dollars worth of mortgages, a good portion of which are nothing but toxic waste, have imploded and will now be nationalized in the most egregious example of moral hazard in the history of the world. As this socialism for the rich transpires, IndyMac Bank has gone up in smoke. This is the second largest bank failure in US history and the largest such failure in over 23 years. Adding insult to injury, 10% to 20% of the FDIC's insurance reserves have just gone up in smoke along with IndyMac just as the hundreds, and what may eventually turn out to be thousands, of bank failures that are anticipated get started in earnest. What does that leave for future failures if only one bank failure wipes out a fifth of the FDIC's reserves? Next up on the chopping block may be Downey, First Federal, Wachovia and Washington Mutual, which are not small fry by any means. Mattresses and freezers may soon be the savings vehicles of choice for those who can't afford a home safety vault as Depression Era mentality becomes the psychology du jour.

If you keep more than $100,000 in any bank account, or if you keep anything of value in a safe deposit box at any type of bank whatsoever, you are simply an idiot."

Profits Are Private, Losses Are Public


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