Monday, May 05, 2008

The Buck Stops There

The mass murderer can't keep from doing it. It could be his script given to him by his handlers but I think it's his inherent nature - this loser absolutely cannot be blamed for anything, and when something goes haywire his first response is to automatically lay blame elsewhere, as if he's terrified he'll be nailed for it. Latest gaffe was to blame India and it's growing middle class for alarming food costs:

"NEW DELHI, May 5 (Reuters) - A remark by President George W. Bush saying India was partly responsible for rising global food prices has sparked a nationalistic storm across the political spectrum, with the defence minister calling it a "cruel joke".
The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), India's main opposition party, threatened on Monday to force a parliamentary debate on Bush's remarks that India's increasingly prosperous middle classes were helping push up prices.
The political uproar highlighted how quickly a latent anti-U.S. nationalism in India could rear its head despite years of diplomatic rapprochement

Of course food prices have nothing whatsoever to do with the insanity of converting food crops to ethanol. And of course the phony war on terror scam has nothing to do with bankrupting the country.

Turning the entire world against this country is the Bushista stock in trade, and that's been the pattern from day one with those war criminals. The entire maladministration should be in chains at the Hague, awaiting sentencing for crimes too numerous to mention. Instead they point fingers and accuse everybody around them of being responsible for every possibly perceived ill.

Bush Blames Carter, Reagan, Clinton for 9/11
Bush blames bureaucracy for Katrina failures
Bush blames Iraq's instability on Hussein
Bush blames CIA
Bush blames Al Qaeda for violence in Iraq
Bush Blames North Korean 'Intransigence'
Bush blames the crashing economy on you for building too many houses
Bush Blames Congress for Economic Problems
Bush Blames Democrats for AttorneyGate
Bush Blames Reid for immigration woes
Bush Blames OPEC for high oil prices
Bush blames Congress for high gas prices
Bush Blames Hezbollah, Syria for Mideast Violence
Bush blames Iran for 'provocation'
Bush Blames The Troops
Bush blames everybody except himself


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Turning the entire world against this country is the Bushista stock in trade, and that's been the pattern from day one with those war criminals."

Duhhhh.... What do you think their Job 1 is? Didn't his Daddy's handler, Herr Kissinger, predict that the day would come when the people of LA would welcome UN troops coming to protect them? Every phase of current "domestic"
events - lineups at the airports, semi-random police brutality, etc etc etc ad nauseam - are tailor-made to cause the maximum domestic revulsion against the "National" government... just as foreign events are tailor-made to turn as much as possible of the rest of the world against that same government. Hegel couldn't have laid it out any better... or the Elders of Zion... or... you pick 'em.

Love and Kisses - Tex Long

5/5/08 4:23 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Yup Tex - I've always thought, if these scumbags had intentions to bring this country to it's trembling knees would they have done anything different? Uh, nope.

5/5/08 4:43 PM  

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