Monday, March 03, 2008

Bush's America: In Disaster, You're On Your Own, Chief

Here is the actual subtitle in the Sacramento Bee -

State guidelines lay framework for deliberately letting some people die.

"It's not how nurses and doctors are accustomed to doing things, nor how Californians expect to be treated. But it is part of a sweeping statewide plan being praised for its breadth, even as it rankles providers who will have to carry it out."

"Striking in its specificity and its frank focus on the need to suspend or flex established laws and to ration health care, the plan is being hailed as a model for the rest of the nation."

Bullshit. This is part of a massive effort to make you believe government isn't tasked to help citizens in time of need. This is naked corporate fascism which sucks everything from the people and gives us nothing in return. Of course we have to be resourceful and self reliant when bad things happen - but a mark of a decent society is how we treat those of us unable to do that. To actually see this in a publication is a clear example of the garbage strewn gutter we've been dragged into by the worst human scum ever to hold office.

In case of disaster you know exactly how they'd fare.


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