Saturday, February 16, 2008

The United States Of Israel

The grip that that "shitty little country" has on the US tightens every day.

The more people wake up to the ziofascist cabal running this country the more the criminals move to extend their influence and bleed the country dry. And one more time, being anti zionist is not anti semitic. Religion doesn't even enter into it except for judaism being a convenient cover for despicable politics and corruption. Apologists and stooges for fascism endlessly paint you as anti semitic if you don't support Israel's and by extension america's corruption 100%.
But I'd like to see someone call these people anti semitic:


Isn't it grand that US presidential candidates all travel to Israel to hand in their resumes, and are rated by how much they'll support zionist policies? Arent't we lucky that AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has such a stranglehold on congress? Shouldn't we take comfort in the fact that so many criminals in and circling around this maladministration have dual citizenships with Israel? Here's just a short list of names you may recognize: Michael Chertoff, Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Michael Mukasey, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Dov Zakheim, Scooter Libby, Elliott Abrams. Everything these thugs have done and are doing exposes them as Israel firsters, putting that country uppermost in consideration before americans.

It's not like all this is unknown - books have been written and it's all out there in the public domain, it's just that you'll never hear about this stranglehold in the vile MSM. Oh, you'll hear endless gushing support for Israel, how it's our only ally in a sea of swarthy terrorists, but the topic of being tied at the hip to a racist, belligerent foreign nation whose unholy relationship dictates policies that are antithetical to principled behavior is strictly forbidden.

We've only begun to see how beholden to Israel our miserable mafia is, now that the zionists are gearing up to start a much wider war in the middle east. Israeli actions and intentions are so disgusting and obvious, even their toady palestinian collaborators are turning on them. The Israelis are set to initiate a vast slaughter in Gaza. Apparently killing them at checkpoints was too slow a process. Murdering that Hezbollah chief in Syria was a clear enough signal that Lebanon is in the crosshairs very shortly, as the IDF is chomping at the bit to make up for not achieving it's goals two years ago. Any bets Syria will be thrown in the mix this time?

US support for Israeli aggression is going to be far more than just rushing hundreds of thousands of cluster bombs to them, as was the case in the waning days of the 2006 bloodshed in Lebanon. Little kids still reap the benefits of that largesse today. My guess is that just like back then, when the IDF again finds itself biting off more than it can chew, the US will open the spigots wide for an unlimited flow of material for Israel to use. This country will also most probably take care of the Iran part of the equation, something that's been in the offing for a long time. Since the Persians will open their dollar free oil exchange shortly and the rest of OPEC need to be taught a lesson, sending in american cruise missiles to take out their Wall Street will neatly dovetail with watching our little "ally's" back.

As The Truth Will Set You Free points out, going to this site is quite illuminating. You can type in a topic and see just how many bills about it the congress is considering. Just a few numbers will show the real interests of our bought and paid for legislators:

Katrina - 291
Walter Reed - 251
Children + Health - 212
Israel - 327


Blogger Strayer said...

We should help Canada and Mexico, if any foreign nation, build ties with them. They're our neighbors. Israel is a long long way off and I have no idea why our politicians favor them so. They should take care of themselves and get along with their own neighbors, too. That's how I see it. They've got some real religious extremists there, also, reoccupying that West Bank was an in your face religious thing. Religious extremists are wearing this world out.

17/2/08 1:17 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

"Religious extremists are wearing this world out."
No truer words have ever been typed. Also political movements that hide behind the emotionalist fervor of religion are wearing out their welcome.
It certainly is funny how there aren't any dual citizenships with Mexico or Canada seeing as how close we all are.

17/2/08 6:31 AM  

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