Tuesday, November 06, 2007

That Didn't Take Long

Question official fairytales, get branded a terrorist. That was the whole point behind Pantload's "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists" garbage. It was always the plan to label dissenters as the enemy, and the brownshirts are taking the cue.

"A disturbing trend has emerged amongst establishment "news" hacks who are raising the same talking point ad infinitum, dubbing the global truth movement as "anarchists" and violent individuals who may be aiding terrorists, and praying for another attack in America so they can blame peaceful activists who are consistently putting the Neo-Cons to shame.
Over the past weeks and months talking heads such as Fox News bigot Bill O'Reilly and his frothing caricature Glenn Beck over on CNN, have specifically targeted 9/11 truthers in segments designed to portray the movement as dangerous and sow the seed in the minds of what viewers they have left that peaceful truth seekers are actually in league with violent terrorists."


Blogger spooked said...

Yes, definitely a predictable but disturbing trend.

7/11/07 5:07 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I mean, you could see this coming a mile away. In the days after 9/11 it became plain as day that the fascists had it all planned out, resource grab abroad with their wars and tyranny at home. They knew full well a sizable number of americans would be disgusted with their flagrant criminality and so they laid the foundation to marginalize, then demonize and ultimately criminalize them.

7/11/07 5:45 AM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

I don't know if that old ploy will work with most people today. I see it as desperation on the right.

7/11/07 6:54 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I hope you're right POP, but the screeching brownshirts in the compromised MSM have a bully pulpit, and after the next ugly false flag "incident" far too many brainwashed people will believe the stupidity.

7/11/07 9:21 AM  
Blogger Bpaul said...

Very very unfortunately, it fits beautifully into the framework Naomi Wolf presented in her article: Fascist America in 10 easy steps.


7/11/07 3:24 PM  

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