Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Say, How's Cheney's New 9/11 False Flag Plot Coming Along?

U.S. Terror Attack — 'Ninety Days at Most'

"Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack.

Do you believe another terrorist attack is likely on American soil?

I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.

(channeling Cheney...)

What they’re going to do is hit six, seven or eight cities simultaneously to show sophistication and really hit the public. This time, which is the message of the day, it will not only be big cities. They’re going to try to hit rural America. They want to send a message to rural America: "You’re not protected. If you figured out that if you just move out of New York and move to Montana or to Pittsburgh, you’re not immune. We’re going [to] get you wherever we can and it’s easier there than in New York."


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

That was an interesting piece. Seems the bottom line is that we should all live with stress and fear. No thanks.

I live in a small town. What the hell good would it do to blow it up, other than clear out some of the continuous building that's going on here?

In the name of fighting "terror" our country is already a mess, as is our military, our debt and thousands of families thanks to this insane war. I'm guessing the terrorist are enjoying the show.

As for planting things to blow up one just after another. Seems I first heard about something like that at an abortion clinic bombing right here in the US a bunch of years ago.

2/8/07 5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like this guy thinks the Bushies and the DHS are doing a lousy job "protecting us". Maybe sending a majority of the NG to the ME wasn't such a good idea after all?

No, this kind of fear-mongering is designed to add support to an extension of the war in the ME. Sounds like Obama and Clinton might be buying it too, since they both support hitting Iran and/or Pakistan.

If and when the US gets hit again, I dare say we would have deserved it.

Can you say "Endless War for Endless Executive Privilege?"

Nick Z.

2/8/07 5:39 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I sure can Nick.
Ever since 9/11 the scumbags have played fear like a violin, rising to a crescendo at the appropriate moments but always playing softly in the background. They must sense that since the majority of small town america feels safe enough and since the Big Black Tuesday Splash was in NY and Wash., they had to start making everybody nervous, hence the above "expert" propaganda.
Since to me the government attacked itself and us on 9/11, and they have to get everybody on board the fear wagon for the next stage of the agenda, POP, I believe he could be projecting the government's own future intentions.

2/8/07 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this incessant manipulative psychological profiling and eventual addictive conditioning of the American people by our government to create greater dependency upon our government needs to stop.

"We The People", symbolically have been chained and shackled while informed to believe that rich and politician alike are superior when compared against the working class and poor of this nation where the privileged are excused and rewarded while the underprivileged and forgotten are forced to remain silent of their plight or face further unreported hardships.

It is "We The People", who collectively had voted and thus placed our present executive administration in public office.

It is "We The People", who collectively through forced taxation pay their ever increasing salary.

And should America and its people continue to suffer and lose honor amongst the nations of this world then it is "We The People" who have only ourselves to blame.

Americans have created a monster of epic proportion. A monster which was first breast fed on Christian theology which cares more about the second coming of God who's soul purpose is the complete destruction of the human species while imprisoning the very same evil which it had first created.

Where then only the chosen few would be permitted into heaven after their physical bodies had been reduced to ash. For nothing of flesh may enter heaven.

Now with such mentality representing the majority of spiritual belief in this country, how could any inspired political wealth conscious individual not attempt to take advantage and thus eventually gain control of such people and their land.

"We The People", are responsible for all that have befallen us in this country.

The denial of any rights. The silencing of our very thoughts and further imprisonment of our freedoms. All things which were written in the Bible as signs of the end times could very well had been symbolic of the very occurrences plaguing our nation today.

It was "We The People" who had chosen to run this country based on the beliefs of a sociopath religious faith.

Is it any wonder that our destruction may now be imminent.

3/8/07 11:29 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I think our destruction is ongoing, anon.

3/8/07 11:19 PM  

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