Saturday, July 14, 2007

Senate Doubles Bounty On Dead Patsy

For what it's worth, when he was still alive Bin Laden protested getting framed as the mastermind behind our own government's attack on it's citizens on Black Yuesday, and denied having anything to do with it -

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Never mind that the guy died in December, 2001, and the whole war on terror shtick is an immense cover for control and resource grab. For Jeebus' sake, his will was even published a year after he passed away from renal failure. Apparently tired of wasting resources pretending to hunt down a dead man, the CIA even closed down their special "Let's capture a dead man" unit over a year ago. Faking that he's still alive and that nineteen Arab hijackers pulled off a brazenly successful attack on the world's most powerful country serves the fascists well, even though in their cases they seem to be doing pretty good for dead men-

"Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well."

So if all this is well known and can be found all over the place in the public domain, including the little known fact that Osama Bin Laden isn't even cited on FBI pages that he had any role in 9/11, why is the senate pretending to raise the importance of catching him by increasing the bounty for his head?

Plainly put, they're lying shitbags who need to continue the lies, and coverup the immense crime of 9/11 and the all the myriad murderous activities since. They want us to think that the phony CIA/ISI "Al Qaeda" headed by brilliant mastermind Osama is still out there somewhere and still hating us for our freedoms, never mind the fact that the Bushistas are taking care of that end of it. Hence all the terror attack warnings and the pronouncement that despite trillions wasted in the GWOT the dreaded chimera is in fact putting on some muscle and is ready to pull off another 9/11.
Of course there will be a serious event or events, and the perpetrators will be the same criminal scum who did nine eleven, it's just that the people who get blamed will once again just be patsies in a scheme for more war abroad and a police state at home.


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