Tap Dancing Around Iraq

Anybody else beginning to suspect that there's an unspoken agreement not to publicly talk about the catastrophe in Iraq at the Gang Of 8 summit? The closest any pronouncement has come is the so called spat between the Deciderer and Putin about the ballistic missile system which wil protect Europe from some fantasy attack from somewhere 'down there."
I mean the rich nations' muckymucks are gabbling publicly about trade, the climate and even Africa, but so far there hasn't been a peep in the press about the Chimp's big adventure, which is by far the most destabilizing area in the world and which threatens to get somewhat worse now that Turkey is on the march.
In fact the whole atmosphere of the carnival is surreal, with these royal elites pressing the flesh and preening for the cameras behind an army of security while tens of thousands are protesting outside. The fawning media is jumping on the celebrity bandwagon and giddily talks up the personality angle of all this, concentrating on who's angry at who and how the new kids will fit in. All this while everybody is careful not to speak a word concerning the biggest crisis on the planet. Maybe they're mum on the subject and don't want to bring attention to the Iraq catastrophe as this is just a champagne and caviar soiree for the elite, or maybe everybody is just feeling disgraced to have to rub shoulders with the vile war criminals who perpetrated it.
update on retrospect- I should have titled this post Fascist Mass Murderers And Their Scumbag Enablers.
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