Thursday, June 14, 2007

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The caption with that image said that Shrub was having a "non-alcoholic beer."
Non-alcoholic beer. Honest neo-cons. See a pattern?
Stan Spire
Pattern, Stan? Ohh yeah.
Also lots of comments all over claiming that if the chimp is willing to be seen enjoying non alcoholic beer in public (which actually has trace amounts) then he's on the toot at other times.
I've got no problem with drinking. It's the flaming hypocrisy that disgusts me.
Non-alcoholic beer does have a small amount of alcohol. That is why AA and other such groups tell recovering alcholoics not to drink it because it makes them crave the real thing even more.
Not that I believe he only drinks non-alcoholic beer.
I think so too, Lesley, that pretzel incident comes to mind.
They have to lie about everything.
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