Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Of Course There's No Plan B

Because Plan A wasn't what they said it was. Plan A was the occupation of Iraq and all those other reasons were pure bullshit when they started the propaganda blitz back in the fall of 2002. They didn't care if no WMD were ever found, they knew Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 because, hey, the fascists did it themselves, they knew Iraq was no threat because of crippling sanctions, they couldn't have cared less about all those shifting, bogus Plans A. So this hand wringing and babble about Plan B existing or not is just water under the bridge and means nothing.

As does talk about 'winning' or 'losing' in Iraq. There's nothing to win or lose except perhaps the propaganda battle for dumbed down american heads.

Sure, there were ancillary benefits for the invasion - one of Israel's arab neighbors was effectively destroyed and hundreds of billions are being made by corporate cronies. Oh yeah, the oil too. But the permanent occupation of Iraq is all that matters. Our overlords will come up with any number of excuses to justify the american presence there. In their minds resistance attacks and the phony 'Al Qaeda' give the military grounds for continued presence, so if that ever slackens off the military can help stir the pot a little to keep it lively. No, the occupation is all that matters and they ain't planning on going anywhere.
Besides, that gargantuan embassy is almost done.

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