Saturday, March 03, 2007

Back To The Cold War

Mostly overlooked with all the bad news from Iraq, the posturing and bloviation directed towards Iran and endless garbage about what Anna Nicole Smith's corpse is going to wear in the grave is the fact that the US is busy fomenting hostilities with Russia and China. Actions taken directed at both nations are successful in seriously pissing them off to the point that it seems like the 70s and 80s all over again.

It could be that there's a covert campaign underway to discredit Russia's Putin, Codpiece's pre 9/11 soulmate. There was a guy named Alexander Litvinenko who was a former KGB agent and fierce critic of Russia's government who died in London last year after he was poisoned with polonium-210, a radioactive isotope. An awful lot of propaganda effort went into blaming Putin for this high level hit. Now a one-time pol and editor of an intelligence newsletter on Russia who was just on TV blasting Putin was shot thursday night near his Maryland home. Of course it could have just been a robbery attempt, but this is how the fascists operate in spookworld - bump off critics of your intended target so your target takes the blame. Think the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and how that was immediately blamed on Syria.

The Russians are already apoplectic over NATO's expansion plans and the attempt to encircle the country with ABM batteries. Putin, doing his best Khrushchev imitation, blasted the US recently:

"An almost unrestrained hyper-use of force in international relations" was breeding conflict after conflict and fuelling the arms race, with more countries seeking weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves against US diktats, Mr Putin said. "Unilateral, illegitimate military actions" have not resolved even a single problem, and on the contrary, have created more human tragedies and more hotbeds of tension."

Of course the neocon criminals maintain the fiction that putting missile batteries in former Soviet client states is directed at the horrible, looming threat in Iran, but the Russians aren't fooled. They've even threatened to nuke the missile sites if they get set up in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

Meanwhile Codpiece and his criminal cabal are jabbing their stick into another hornet's nest in the Pacific. This country's relationship with Taiwan is a curious beast at best; it recognizes mainland China but doesn't recognize Taiwan yet has what's called the "Taiwan Relations Act" of 1979 which sorta, kinda signifies a close partnership of some sort. It can't be overstressed how important the breakaway Formosa province is to the PRC. There was plenty of fighting between the nationalists, the communists and the US after WW2 which almost became all out war. Mainland China still thinks Taiwan is theirs, and doesn't rule out starting that war to prevent the island from declaring total independence.

BushCo is going ahead with an arms sale to Taiwan just as they and mainland China are building towards a confrontation over just that issue. They want to sell a half billion's worth of missiles and delivery systems and the PRC is mighty pissed. Taiwan is going to have a presidential election next year and if a pro independence party wins all bets are off.

And of course wars and rumors of wars are still booming business in the US. The administration has unveiled brand spanking new and improved nuclear weapon designs for fashionable fascists.

Jeebus, wasn't one cold war enough?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Taiwan gets ballistic missiles from the US, that will be tantamount to a Chinese "Cuban Crisis" like the kind that put Kennedy and the early 60s US in such a major panic.

If the US govt tries to spin it as anything else, they will be the most obvious lying sacks of crap in the 21st century.

4/3/07 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point. Bushco is actively encouraging all out war.

4/3/07 7:02 PM  

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