Saturday, October 28, 2006


From No More Mister Nice Blog:

Gosh, look what just so happens to be showing on the National Geographic Channel tomorrow night, nine days before the election:

7P The Hunt for Zarqawi [TV-PG]
8P Inside 9/11 Update (ltd. interruption)Zero Hour [TV-PG]
10P Inside Saddam's Reign of Terror [TV-MA] Also airs: Monday, October 30 Wednesday, November 1
11P Inside 9/11 Update (ltd. interruption)Zero Hour [TV-PG]
1A Inside Saddam's Reign of Terror [TV-MA] Also airs: Wednesday, November 1 Thursday, November 2

One bad guy we actually caught, one bad guy we actually killed, plus Why We Fight In Iraq according to the Bushies. Curious.
And I'll assume it's just an unintended glitch that when you click on the second Inside 9/11 Update link here, you get the capsule description for Inside Saddam's Reign of Terror. And that when you click on the first Inside 9/11 Update link, you get the capsule description for The Hunt for Zarqawi.

No wonder they call it the boob tube.


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