Total Fucking Insanity
We have completely lost our fucking minds. Our overlords are demented, criminal psychopaths and the clueless ignorati who believe in them and follow their insane orders are just as pathologically braindead.
Our latest foray into bizarroland is this phoney airliner terror charade. We've got worldwide disruption of air travel now because the fearmongers are pretending they caught some dangerous swarthy types about to blow some planes out of the sky. These staged propaganda stunts always fall apart with the slightest scrutiny and this one is no different.
Just a few simple questions need to be asked.
What self respecting terrorist is going to want to risk blowing their complicated plot wide open by trying to pull off a "dry run"?
We're supposed to shiver with fear when these supposed perps are linked to al qaeda when al qaeda is a phony CIA straw dog?
If this insidious plot to kill-americans-because-they-hate-our-freedoms involved the new and improved liquid cocktail trickery, where various death wish mooslims carry the ingredients aboard planes and mix them together to form an explosive powerful enough to bring them down, why the fuck are they forcing passengers to do this in the middle of the fucking terminal?

Have we truly become this batshit insane?
Our latest foray into bizarroland is this phoney airliner terror charade. We've got worldwide disruption of air travel now because the fearmongers are pretending they caught some dangerous swarthy types about to blow some planes out of the sky. These staged propaganda stunts always fall apart with the slightest scrutiny and this one is no different.
Just a few simple questions need to be asked.
What self respecting terrorist is going to want to risk blowing their complicated plot wide open by trying to pull off a "dry run"?
We're supposed to shiver with fear when these supposed perps are linked to al qaeda when al qaeda is a phony CIA straw dog?
If this insidious plot to kill-americans-because-they-hate-our-freedoms involved the new and improved liquid cocktail trickery, where various death wish mooslims carry the ingredients aboard planes and mix them together to form an explosive powerful enough to bring them down, why the fuck are they forcing passengers to do this in the middle of the fucking terminal?

Have we truly become this batshit insane?
The "dry run" is the part that makes me laugh. Do you really need a dry run for something as simple as getting on a plane and mixing a few liquids? A bunch of BS once again.
Also, we're expected to believe that near the 5th anniversary of 9/11 when planes were flown into buildings there's going to be a massive terror attack on...planes.
What is the deal with planes? There are so much easier ways to terrorize people. Just walk into a Walmart and start blowing people away if you are really intent on doing harm. Why the supposed "grand plans?"
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