Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bona Fide Horseman of the Apocalypse

Really. The latest Bush mega-catastrophe is now pharmaceuticals

"One could say that this relentless injection of chaos and confusion into the body politic fits a conspiratorial pattern for utterly demoralizing the nation. One could argue that it's a conscious shot at total social deconstruction..."

I've thought this for a while now. The seemingly endless, astonishing list of failures and fuckups really does seem like little boots and his handlers are intent on destroying this nation. It isn't just hyperbole from someone who's opposed to everything this cabal stands for. It's happening in real time, right before our eyes.

These criminals in Washington aren't "conservatives" in any sense of the word. They're extremist radicals, intent on absolutely smashing the bedrock that this country supposedly stood on for many years - some semblance of fiscal responsibility, a sense of moral rectitude and firm beliefs that even though times may be tough, things will get better. And they've taken a wrecking ball to every single possibility that we can do anything about it at all.

"One can have an opinion about the war in Iraq. But no one on any side of the issue can argue that the effort has been run with anything but complete arrogance, idiocy and incompetence."

To just cite one example, they are destroying the military. Oh, their corporate cronies get ever bigger contracts to churn out weapons, but they seem to hate military personnel. How else can you explain sending soldiers to fight in the most unjustifiable wars in history? Deliberately exposing them to deadly "depleted" uranium? Cutting their pay, not giving them the armor they need, doubling their tours of duty, screwing over the wounded, sneaking the dead home in the middle of the night and hiding their true numbers? They're killing soldiers and demoralizing the rest with this insanity.

This is deliberate policy to not just destabalize, but to destroy this country and replace it with a giant, shiny prison. It's a long term agenda to institutionalize fascist tyranny. We've gone through hell for 5 years but we haven't seen anything yet.
The horror is just beginning.

and Tearing Down America To Rebuild It For The NWO
"The bulldozer work on America's freedom is all part of a carefully planned and scheduled demolition."


update - To underscore how the soldiers in the line of fire are getting screwed, the site Soldiers For Truth is reporting how the army and the marines won't let them deploy if they have non issue body armor like Pinnacle's Dragon Skin. And if they wear their personally purchased stuff and get killed, their loved ones wouldn't collect from the $400,000 SGLI life insurance policies. The Dragon Skin is apparently far superior.

But guess what? 9 generals in Afghanistan are wearing it for "evaluation".

The only armor allowed by the army and marines is the Interceptor OTV, which is shit. - Interceptor OTV Body Armor Cost Lives, An Internal USMC Reports Shows

Guess who makes it? The guy who spent $10 million on a bas mitzvah for his daughter.


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