Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Coming Down The Stretch

U.S. "Feral Reserve Boink" Reels Into The Jubilee Year

"Oh, did I misspell U.S. Federal Reserve Bank? You'll have to excuse me. I'm feeling a little dizzy this afternoon, because it is all unraveling so fast now. The world of high finance is cracking apart, outright falling apart. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is failing, mostly because the U.S. Federal Reserve Note is rapidly losing value, mostly due to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank's own criminally stupid, criminally inept and criminally corrupt policies, and since the Federal Reserve Note is essentially its one and only product, its bread and butter, the whole criminal cabal is destined for the ash heap of history, and soon. Consequently, by Christmastime the USA and most of the rest of the world are likely to be in a chaotic uproar, much more so than now. We'll be lucky if these monsters-pretending-to-be-humans do not stage a notorious "false flag" terrorist attack in Paris or Montreal or Chicago or …. you name the place, and use that as a trumped up casus belli to go after Iran and initiate a general, global war, likely nuclear, in a desperate, Strangelovian bid to fight their way out of terminal, imperial collapse.

There are a lot of reasons for why this financial collapse is happening, but the most important is that we are rapidly approaching the dramatic conclusion of a grand, multi-thousand year cycle, the End of the Age. Swedish analyst and commentator Carl Calleman has written about this from the perspective of his interpretation of the Mayan Calendar. His calculations indicate that events will build to a crescendo and climax on 28 October, as the Mayan calendar ends, just a little over two months from now, with continued economic turmoil in the interim period."

I've felt this coming for years and I suspect most other people have had inklings of some sort for a long time too. Party's over for the Great Sickness, and none too soon. We're all about to get real small, in many ways, paying close attention to things we previously took for granted. Back to the old Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without days.


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