Thursday, September 09, 2010

Our Overlords Attempt To Placate Rage Over Naked Body Scanners

TSA Plans to Use Homeboy in Ball Cap “Avatar” on Naked Body Scanners

"You can’t make this stuff up. In response to the outrage over naked body scanners now appearing at an ever increasing number of airports in the United States, the Transportation Security Administration plans to introduce technology that will show a generic figure rather than an actual image of a passenger’s naked body parts on the intrusive machines.
“The new display would mark sections of a person’s body that need to be checked,” reports Bloomberg. Every passenger will generate an avatar that “looks like a guy wearing a baseball cap,” said Peter Kant, the vice president of Rapiscan, makers of the scanners.

As of August 27, 194 of the devices were in use at 51 U.S. airports, an almost fivefold increase from six months ago. 28 airports getting scanners in the second half of this year include New York’s Kennedy and Philadelphia, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Houston, Miami, Baltimore, Minneapolis and Seattle, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said in July. Obama has pledged $734 million to deploy airport scanners.

The TSA put implementation of naked body scanners in high gear after the patsy Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab lit his underwear on fire on Christmas day of last year on a Northwest Airlines flight on approach to Detroit from Amsterdam.

The avatar scheme proposed by Rapiscan and the TSA is merely a clumsy attempt to get passengers to accept the idea that the state must use intrusive technology to protect them from terrorists.

In August, we reported that the TSA admits the machines routinely save and store images.

Jeffrey Sural, an attorney for Alston & Bird LLP in Washington, said the new cartoon avatar of a homeboy in a ball cap is “a pretty substantial development” and is “something that TSA has wanted.”

Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said revising the machine software “makes a lot of sense” from an engineering standpoint. The Electronic Privacy Information Center sued the TSA over the machines.

The software upgrade, however, will not eliminate the documented health risk posed by the machines."


Anonymous Maria said...

So is this lil guy something that will display on the monitor and the scans will still be saved? I can't imagine that the scan itself somehow doesn't get saved in the background. Not that it matters.

9/9/10 8:47 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

And you still get breast cancer from the intense radiation, Maria.

10/9/10 9:47 PM  

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