Monday, September 06, 2010

Government Pulls PR Stunt For The Dullards

US authorities seize BP's blowout preventer

"There was a touch of legal drama in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster yesterday. The 350 tonne, 50 feet high blowout preventer that should have prevented the explosion in the BP oil well, was effectively placed under "arrest" by US authorities.
Admiral Thad Allen, the retired Coast Guard commander in overall charge of the operation, declared that the preventer "will be taken into custody" and become part of the "evidence material that's been required by the joint investigative team".

His comments reflected another shift in the direction of a tragedy that has claimed 11 lives, cost BP chief executive Tony Hayward his job, BP and its shareholders at least $50bn (£32.3bn), diminished the credibility of President Obama, disrupted fishing and tourism, and threatened the environment around the Gulf states.

The preventer, now under close guard and inspection, has almost assumed a criminal dimension. It will form a crucial part of the evidence the US Justice Department is examining to see whether BP or Transocean, owners of the stricken Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, have broken any rules that could result in a successful prosecution. Law enforcement officers were on hand to take charge as soon as the preventer broke surface, 5000ft above the seabed

Sweetjeebus the vile corp/gov is always on the make. They toil tirelessly, 24/7, to polish their turd. From the minute whatever initially happened to BP's oil rig right up to the present the administration worked hand in glove with the various corporations involved to cover up the damage and put a happy face on this extinction event. Obama even played the poster child for a surreal swimming stunt and at numerous times told the great unwashed to gobble toxic gulf seafood. The current Washington cabal even allowed BP to keep pouring deadly chemicals into the waters after orders were announced to stop the activity. Everything about this catastrophe has been a fraudulent crime.
And now we're supposed to think that a grand display of theatrics, this equipment seizure, means the 'justice' department is going to get tough on BP? Straight out of Through the Looking Glass.


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