Monday, September 13, 2010

Effort To Militarize And Control The Entire Western Hemisphere Continues

Plan Mexico

"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated week that Mexico and Central America were facing an “insurgency” that requires the equivalent of a Plan Colombia in the region. Her comments immediately raised the ire of the Mexican government and sparked fears of expanded U.S. military intervention.

“[W]e face an increasing threat from a well-organized network drug trafficking threat that is, in some cases, morphing into or making common cause with what we would consider an insurgency in Mexico and in Central America,” Clinton said. She added that “these drug cartels are now showing more and more indices of insurgency; all of a sudden, car bombs show up which weren’t there before.”

Ironically, Clinton was responding to a question on what the United States was doing regarding its “responsibility for drugs coming north and guns going south.” Instead of answering the question, Clinton compared Mexico to Colombia and made the boldest statement to date about U.S. intervention, including military support, in Mexico’s drug war.

“[I]t’s looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago,” Clinton said. “And Colombia — it got to the point where more than a third of the country, nearly 40 percent of the country at one time or another was controlled by the insurgents, by FARC. But it’s going to take a combination of improved institutional capacity and better law enforcement and, where appropriate, military support for that law enforcement married to political will to be able to prevent this from spreading and to try to beat it back.” Clinton maintained that Plan Colombia worked, adding, “We need to figure out what are the equivalents for Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.”

Who Is Arming the Mexican Drug Cartels?

"The fact is: the Mexican authorities have refused to release the serial numbers of weapons confiscated from drug cartel members. Releasing the serial numbers would implicate the corrupt governments of the US and Mexico and their involvement in arming the drug cartels.
Considering the above, it is my belief the Mexican drug cartels are procuring a large percentage of weapons from the world’s largest supplier of these weapons: the United States government."
"When speaking of drug cartels and military weapons, one would be remiss in not covering the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and their decades-long involvement in worldwide drug trafficking. The evidence produced at the Iran Contra hearings proved the CIA was involved with smuggling cocaine in order to fund the Nicaraguan Contra Army. Is there any question they are involved with the Mexican drug cartels and perhaps facilitating their procurement of military weapons, or better yet, trading arms for drugs?"


Anonymous greencrow said...

Hi Nolo:

I saw that quote by Hilarious and thought of copying it to you in a comment. My take is that there IS an insurgency in Mexico...the desperate insurgency of a citizenry who know they are being squeezed in the middle...between paid off drug lords and a corrupt, puppet Mexican government.

Hilarious is inadvertently correct when she compares it to Columbia...if is like Columbia...the US corporatist fascists are trying to destroy a sovereign per usual.


13/9/10 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Nz said...

Seen this coming for years now. Dunno whether to laugh or cry.

Plan Colombia successful? For who? Not for the Colombian people, not by a long shot.

14/9/10 7:52 AM  

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