The Original Matrix
About the machinations of particularly ugly Illuminati types or ziofascists, you choose, although this was a 1988 film so it can be taken as a polemic against the asinine Reagan era and it's conspicuous consumption. But control was paramount by the bad guys in this flick and exposure of who theyreally were was the central theme.
If you haven't seen this John Carpenter film, Roddy Piper was a pro westler/actor who played a wandering laborer who stumbles on sunglasses that reveal a network of monsters. They had cloaked their hideous bodies and constant control tactics in a sort of early Matrix type of hallucination, while normal people were completely clueless, or served as useful idiots.
The movie is pretty cheesy and low budget but is eminently watchable despite that because the message turns out to be timeless. Rowdy Roddy was engaging enough, and his extended fistfight with Keith David is one of the most brutal ever put on film, probably due to Piper's famous theatrics in the pro wrestling ring. He's still around and active, living up near Portland in Oregon.
You can watch this B movie with a message here at Google video
This is a good movie. Cheesy sure, but it's actually quite good in spite of the cheesy quality. That fight scene is the best. . . like the music too.
I saw this for the first time a couple of years ago, and almost turned it off, it was so bad TV movie cheesy. But I kept watching, and glad I did. I've seen it a few times now...eerie how it's still appropriate
It really does hit the mark, and makes a good point.
I heard there's going to be a remake and there's mention of it on IMDB but not much info. Imagine what a good budget and CGI could do with this!
The scene where the LAPD uses swat and bulldozers to push homeless people off the vacant lot near the church was a very prophetic forecast of things to come. No better example of the new third world status of the USA exists to date.
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