Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cattle Prod News

Thelast time she'll ever call the cops for help.
I'm surprised the neighbor didn't get the treatment too.

Woman Reports Prowler, Gets Repeatedly Tased By Cops

"Two Georgia cops have lost their jobs after a video emerged of them macing and tasing a 57 year old woman who simply called to report a prowler outside her house.

Janice Wells of Richland says she feared someone was lurking outside her home on April 26 so she called the police.

What happened next was caught on the dashboard camera of the one of the police cars that arrived on the scene.

The video shows Ryan Smith of the Lumpkin Police Department and Tim Murphy of Richland Police Department attempting to force Wells into a cruiser by spraying her with mace and repeatedly shocking her with a stun gun.

Officer Smith has resigned and officer Murphy was fired. Wells is taking legal action.
This is yet another example of how Tasers are nothing more than 21st century cattle prods for roid-head coward cops who are trained that the American people are their enemy.
The Taser is not a tool of law enforcement, it is a torture device employed to make the scum public follow orders given by their jackbooted masters.
Police have become so accustomed to employing tasers during routine calls that they now use them on people asking for their help and even on
bed ridden grandmas and elderly women who pose no threat whatsoever."


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