Friday, June 04, 2010

Irony Lost, I'm Sure, On The Nazi Emulators

21 Miles Off The Coast of Palestine

"Here is a strange echo from history.
It is a documentary made by the BBC in 1973 about the story of the ship, the Exodus.
It was the ship full of Jewish refugees - many of them survivors of the Holocaust - that tried to break the British blockade of Palestine in 1947. The participants from both sides appear and describe in detail how British soldiers boarded the ship 21 miles off the coast of Palestine killing 3 of the refugees and wounding others.
It caused an international scandal and was a PR disaster for the British government. It is seen in Israel today as one of the most significant events that led to the founding of the modern Israeli state.
The shock was compounded when the British took most of the refugees back to Germany and put them on trains and sent them to internment camps.
Here is a still of the ship after it was captured by the British."

video here

Nazi emulation measure of success:

Israeli commando who shot six passengers in aid convoy in line for medal

And the Times goes on to shamelessly parrot Israeli propaganda, complete with archtypical heroic victim bullshit.


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